The International Exhibition “ElcomUkraine 2013” was held on 23-26 April 23-26 in Kyiv. This event enjoys great popularity and for 17 years it draws about 10 000 energy industry specialists from all over the continent each year. At this exhibition the world’s leading companies hold presentations of new equipment and technologies, arrange business negotiations and workshops dedicated to power engineering development trends in the CIS and Europe.
In early April, the engineering supervisors of High-Voltage Union CJSC put into operation the second BPC-110 vacuum circuit-breaker rated for 110 kV voltage at 110/6 kV transformer substation «ELOU». It should be noted that this is already the second BPC-110 at the facility of Aksakovskie RES (power distribution networks), branch of Bashkirenergo LLC (Republic of Bashkortostan); the first one was installed at the customer's facility by the service department specialists of High-Voltage Union this January.
From 11 to 15 March, the service engineers of High-Voltage Union together with NTEAZ-Electric designers performed replacement of MGG-10 generator low-oil circuit-breaker with withdrawable unit by VGG vacuum circuit-breaker. The replacement was performed within the framework of Retrofit Program at the facility of Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill JSC, Novodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast.
3 April 2013, experts of the Concern «high-Voltage Union» took part in the conference, devoted to discussing the issues of modernization of the power equipment and the problems of technological maintenance of the enterprises of electro-technical production. The conference was held in the framework of the II-nd specialized international exhibition «Power and electrical engineering. Ural» in Ekaterinburg.
26 и 27 марта 2013 года на трансформаторной подстанции №70 «Жаровиха» филиала ОАО МРСК «Северо-Запада» «Архэнерго» сотрудники управления технического надзора и сервиса «Высоковольтного союза» провели техническое обследование вакуумного выключателя ВРС-110 после годовой эксплуатации на объекте. Результат обследования показал соответствие вакуумного выключателя ВРС-110 заявленным техническим характеристикам, что и было зафиксировано в протоколе. Обследование проводилось комиссией под руководством главного инженера ПО АЭС ОАО МРСК Северо-Запада «Архэнерго» Фоминского С.И.
The specialists of «high-Voltage Union» held a seminar-meeting in the framework of the working meeting for the representatives of JSC «Ukrnafta» (d. Boryslav, Lviv reg., Ukraine). The meeting was held on the base of LLC «РЗВА-electric» and LLC «high-Voltage Union " Ukraine» in March. Organized in order to exchange experience on set-up and operation of vacuum circuit breakers 10 and 35 kV.
19 March - the international day of client. The festival, no doubt, important for all producers of goods and services in the most different spheres aims to attract new and encourage regular customers. In that day the «high-Voltage Union» I congratulate all with the feast, and to Express gratitude to our clients for cooperation.
20 February in the Palace of culture of the Lower Tours hosted a meeting of the Committee on energy of the Sverdlovsk regional Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs (СОСПП).
4 февраля на трансформаторной подстанции ВТС 110/10 кВ – объекте МУП «Электрические сети» г. Стерлитамака Республики Башкортостан – специалисты службы сервиса ЗАО «Высоковольтный союз» установили в эксплуатацию вакуумный выключатель 110 кВ ВРС-110
8 февраля 2013г. в ООО «НТЭАЗ Электрик» прошло торжественное собрание по случаю 55-летия со дня основания завода.